
Yes In My Backyard: The Case for Housing Deregulation

Dr. Bryan Caplan, a professor of economics at George Mason University, discusses housing deregulation and the benefits of saying yes to housing and eceonmeic development close to home.
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An Albuquerque stadium project advanced last week. This group wants to see more like it.

An Albuquerque-based organization that launched in mid-March wants to help spur more "pro-growth" developments across the Duke City and central New Mexico more broadly.
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The American Southwest Is Finally Starting to Embrace Vertical Living

New building codes and zoning laws are paving the way for development in the desert, which has long been an oasis of single-family homes.
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Colorado legislature readies new attempt at land-use and zoning reform

Sweeping reform package broken into pieces that rely more on incentives for local governments.
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NIMBY-ism & urban sprawl highlight NM United stadium placement

The tale of a homeless soccer team, displaced minorities, and a City addicted to cars.
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Investment in ABQ's public-transit would boost city's housing, economic, and climate initiatives

Research shows transit investments would reduce carbon emissions, lower transportation costs, and increase economic development.
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Cities Start to Question an American Ideal: A House With a Yard on Every Lot

Townhomes, duplexes and apartments are effectively banned in many neighborhoods. Now some communities regret it.
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The rise of mixed-use properties

Combining two or more asset classes into one building isn’t new. But it has grown more popular in recent years and could play a pivotal role in commercial real estate’s future.
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Housing is Critical Infrastructure: Social and Economic Benefits of Building More Housing

This report highlights the size of the existing underbuilding gap, consequences of underinvesting in housing, benefits of building more housing, and more.
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Not in my backyard: Zoning battles are heating up - and the NIMBY crowd has emerging opposition

Organized opposition to housing developments is drawing its own counter-movement.
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How Luxury Units Turn Into Affordable Housing

Building more high-end apartments doesn’t sound like a quick fix for the affordable housing crisis. But maybe you just have to look harder.
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2024 Leadership Albuquerque

Albuquerque Greater Camber of Commerce 2023 Leadership Report
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